Add Personality to Your Golf Course Internet Marketing Campaigns

Stop shouting your message to as many people as possible, instead focus your efforts on connecting with golfers.  Add personality to your golf course internet marketing campaigns.

I’ve liked many golf course Facebook Pages, checked out several blogs, and subscribed to dozens of golf course email lists and I’ve learned that almost all of them don’t understand today’s online marketing. They are using these platforms strictly as sales tools. People have learned to filter out irrelevant/sales messages. So, the more you push your products and advertising onto customers the less likely they are to connect with your page or open your emails. Blindly sending these messages out to golfers with no intention to connect doesn’t work.

Personality. If you want to build a consistent base of golfers for your course the best way to do that is to add personality to your golf course internet marketing campaigns. By that, I mean connecting with your customers. Make them feel like they are a part of your golf course. Make them feel like they know the people who work there and know the other golfers that play there. If you can succeed in doing that you will develop a strong vibrant community of golfers that will want to come back to your course. People who will tell their friends about what what a great place your golf course is.

It’s about making connections and building a community. Golf has always been a social sport, and today it seems golf courses are trying to automate everything, making it all less personal, less social, and less appealing. We need to bring back the social aspect of going out for a round of golf, and we should be using today’s tools to do it.

Recap. Don’t use Facebook, blogs and email marketing to send out a message. Use them to connect with your golfers and make them a part of your community. Your golf course is going to gain a lot more play in the process.

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Lacey Welborn

Lacey Welborn

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Lacey Welborn

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