$14,401.87 Raised from the 2017 Southern California Charity Golf Classic!
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Southern California Charity Golf Classic this year.
We had 125 golfers, sold out on sponsorships, had tons of prizes donated and had at least 30 volunteers who helped make this thing possible.
When golfers registered they chose which charities they wanted to support. 50% of the proceeds from the event were distributed evenly amongst all charities and the other 50% was distributed based on the number of golfers who chose to support their prospective charities.
Here is the breakdown of money raised for each of the charities:
- Boys Republic – $2,818.75
- Chino Rotary Club – $2,548.53
- Love Them All Foundation – $2,548.53
- Priceless Pets Rescue – $2,548.53
- The Let It Be Foundation – $2,548.53
The Gary Christman Memorial Putting Contest brought in $550 for the Ayala Boys & Girls Golf Program (Thank you for volunteering) and the charities raised $839 on the course.
We will be distributing the funds at an upcoming Chino Rotary Club meeting. I will let you all know when that meeting will be so you can attend if interested.
After 3 years, we have raised:
2017: $14,401.87
2016: $11,382.64
2015: $7,597.81
For a total of: $33,382.32 raised for charity!
Thanks again to everyone who participated.
